Summer Mindfulness Challenge – Week 2

Summer Mindfulness Challenge – Week 2

Hope you had fun with last weeks outdoor activities?! This week I’m taking inspiration from the theme of summer holidays and all the activities are based around the theme of the sea and the beach. So many people find just being by the sea a relaxing experience but if you’re not able to make it to a beach this year then don’t worry all of these activities can be done at home too.

You can download a worksheet of all these activities here. Don’t forget to record your reflections in your journal!

Sea breathing

The sound of the waves gently rolling in and out is incredibly calming. If you’re not at the beach the find somewhere calm and quiet, close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting on a beautiful beach with the sea gently lapping up the sand. As you sit, notice how your breath goes in and out, perhaps even make a ‘shhh’ noise like the waves.

Watching the birds

I find birds such fun to watch. Find a spot where you can watch the sky or perhaps a tree or bird feeder that is attracting the birds. Allow your focus to be on the birds. Notice when they come into your sight, label what they’re doing. How many can you count? Are they different types? Are they staying or going? What mood are they in? Once you have finished this mindful practice, you could always go on to write a story about the birds that you noticed!

Sand mandalas

This is a brilliant activity to do on the beach, in a sand tray or using play-doh or salt-doh. Simply gather together objects such as shells and stones that you like from nature. Perhaps with a beach theme, perhaps not! Then place them in the sand making the shape of a mandala or a labyrinth. There’s examples and ideas on my Pinterest page.

Magic stones

Find yourself a shell or small stone. Take time to explore it and really get to know it. What does it look like? Feel like? This shell is magic. You can tell it your secrets and any worries or problems you may have. No matter how big or how small. Whenever you need you can talk to your shell and it will magically take those difficult feelings and turn them into good ones.


Well, this one had to be in here this week! Take a pause in the moment that you receive the ice-cream. What do you notice about it, what is happening to your thoughts and feelings. Mindfully move forward to take a lick or bite. Then slowly take the first lick noticing the moment the ice-cream hits your tongue, how it feels, the tastes that you experience. Savour this for a few seconds. Does that mindful mouthful made a difference to the taste and experience of eating the ice-cream?

Listen to the waves

It’s amazing the number of sounds that are around us when you actually stop to listen. If you’re fortunate enough to have access to a large shell, preferably a spiral conch shell, hold it to your ear. Close your eyes and listen closely to the sound of the sea.

Walking on sand

I think sand is a pretty amazing surface to really think about your walk on. Start by standing in a mountain pose and really pay attention to the feeling of the feet on the ground and notice the place of connection between the body and the earth. Walk slowly and deliberately noticing the feel of the ground under your feet with each step.


I hope you have found some inspiration here for your mindful activities this week. Good luck with your mindfulness practices  and why not let me know how you get on by leaving a comment or posting a picture on social media using #calmstrongminds. 

See you next week!